Office: 704-373-0562 | Mobile: 704-576-2127

Terms and Conditions

This web page provides in-detail guidelines to the prospective customers who have decided to hire our locksmith service. Throughout this webpage, the word ‘We’ will refer to A-Murphy’s Lock and Key, the owner of the website and the word ‘You’ will refer to the clients who will hire our service and/or purchase our products through this website.

The following ‘Terms and Conditions’ strictly govern the business relationship between A-Murphy’s Lock and Key and its clients. By using our website and products as well as service provided via this website, you confirm that you have thoroughly read the terms and conditions, understood them and agreed to the same. Those who disagree to our terms and conditions are requested not to use the website any further.

How to Purchase via Our Website…..

A-Murphy’s Lock and Key hereby declares that all requests from the customers for our products and/or service can be made through this website. The customers are requested to fill-up a form with the requisite information asked for. A-Murphy’s Lock and Key will not cross check on the provided details and consider them most authentic. The company reserves the power to cancel any order request if any information is found to be incorrect and distorted. The customers must acknowledge and agree that A-Murphy’s Lock and Key, in no way, can be held responsible for any wrong information that may be willingly or unwillingly input in the order form.

    Prices and Taxes…..

    A-Murphy’s Lock and Key reserves the right to change its rules and regulations along with pricing of its service from time to time. In that case, the latest update regarding pricing that will appear on the website will overrule the previously printed catalogue considered out of date. However, the company is not liable to notify its clients regarding any changes via email or other means of personal communications and the customers are requested to visit our website to know if any change has done in the rules and regulations and/or pricing structure.

    Refund of Payment….

    If the delivered products are found to be defective or damaged in transit, you are requested to contact A-Murphy’s Lock and Key as immediately as possible. The company will replace the damaged or defective product with a new one, whenever possible, without any cost, otherwise will give your money back. If you want to return our product, please contact us within three working days of receipt of product delivery. In that case, you are obliged to submit the details of the complaint. The company is not responsible to bear the expenses for product return, however, in some exceptional circumstances; it may decide to do so.


    Using our product and service implies that you have agreed to indemnify A-Murphy’s Lock and Key against any type of lose, liability, claim, damages and expense including the legal fees that may be caused due to your use of any product and service provided through this website or by any third party.

    Confidentiality of Information….

    A-Murphy’s Lock and Key promises to maintain secrecy of your information and in no way, discloses it to any third party without your prior permission. However, the company is obliged to divulge your personal details if it is instructed by the court to do so in order to help interrogation process and legal proceedings.


    The above-stated terms and conditions are strictly governed by the laws of USA. The operation of A-Murphy’s Lock and Key is subject to jurisdiction of the USA Courts.

    Rights of Consumers….

    None of the afore-stated terms and conditions violates your statutory consumer rights.